Friday, February 20, 2009

Logan's In Trouble:

Emmitt and Elmo rode on toward where they had last saw Logan. That onery Hicks boy had told Elmo that Harold Chew was out to get Logan. HC as they called him had teamed up with them Elliot boys and they were close behind Logan with nothin good on their minds. As Clinch mountain came in sight the Sackett boys spotted a whisp of smoke from a hat sized fire about half way up the mountain. Whatever was in HC's craw meant Logan was in a heap of trouble. HC once shot one of Nine Bowens mules just to see Nine spit. If that was Logan's fire the boys knew HC and the Elliot's could see it too. A slight mist was hanging on the mountain as Emmitt and Elmo eased around the scraggly bushes to within sight off Logan's forlorn camp...

1 comment:

  1. "Dadblame that Waldron School District for leaving these old scraggly buses parked here," said Logan under his breath. You'd thank they could at least sell them for scrap. Anyway, Logan dismissed that thought from his mind...he had enough to think about right now. There was a long way between his camp and the pig farm. And somewhere out there was Harold Chew...and a potato gun...
