Sunday, September 20, 2009

The School's On Fire

A cold icy wind was blowin and it looked like snow a comin when Edgar Floyd came runnin up to the Sackett cabin. "Fire," he said, "the old red schoolhouse is burnin down." Elmo, Elwood, Logan and Emmitt was sittin around the old fireplace tryin to stay warm and tellin tall tales. They grabbed the only bucket they had and ran the mile to the old red school. Everybody that had seen the flames and smoke was standin around watchin the old school burn. Pappy Sackett was tryin to throw a bucket of muddy water on the roaring fire. The old school finally burned out an Pappy Sackett came over to the crowd. He had icicles hangin off his weathered hat. "I guess the youngun's will have to go over to the Clinch Mountain school till we can build this un back." But that young Thompson girl said she'd teach them kids right here in Sackett Valley. Nine Bowen piped up and said they could use his shack. Turned out to be a pretty good year for the youngun's of Sackett Valley.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Logan's In Trouble:

Emmitt and Elmo rode on toward where they had last saw Logan. That onery Hicks boy had told Elmo that Harold Chew was out to get Logan. HC as they called him had teamed up with them Elliot boys and they were close behind Logan with nothin good on their minds. As Clinch mountain came in sight the Sackett boys spotted a whisp of smoke from a hat sized fire about half way up the mountain. Whatever was in HC's craw meant Logan was in a heap of trouble. HC once shot one of Nine Bowens mules just to see Nine spit. If that was Logan's fire the boys knew HC and the Elliot's could see it too. A slight mist was hanging on the mountain as Emmitt and Elmo eased around the scraggly bushes to within sight off Logan's forlorn camp...

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Before first light somebody pounded on my cabin's drafty door. It was Nine Bowen. He had his mules and wanted to plow me a garden spot. I gave him four eggs in payment and told him to have a go at it. I don't know if anything will grow in a rock pile but if I can get Squirl Ferguson to loan me some seeds I'll give it a try. Here comes Tom Sawyer ridin up and he don't look none to happy. I guess he wonders why little Emmitt Bob hasn't been to school for a few weeks. Next time I myself find Emmitt Bob I'll ask him too...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Went across the mountain to Pa's cabin today. He was settin there watchin the critters play under the big tree. Stopped at Buddy Grays store and got a coffee for him. Wayne Elliots bunch rode by about noon but I scared them off with a few rifle shots. Don't think they'll try stealin eggs again at least for a day or two. I heard J.P. Hicks is preachin down at the rock church. They say he's a changed man since Logan read the Book to him. If ole J.P. can change anybody can...

Friday, February 13, 2009

.."Reckon that good for nothin Hicks boy is hidin in that thicket out behind Nine Bowen's cabin", said Logan? The Sackett boys headed in that direction with determination in their eyes. They ran across Edgar Floyd out pickin flowers for Sofia. He said J.P. passed there no more than 10 minutes ago. The boys quickened their pace. They munched on scotcharoos as the approched the tree line. Then, without warning, it happened...

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Emmitt Sackett

It was a cold winter day when Emmitt, Elwood, Elmo and Logan Sackett headed out toward the mountains to try and find the leathery faced scoundrel...