...that run off with the cat pelts they had stored in the smoke house. The money from those pelts was to pay off what they owed at James Hicks' Grocery. They had been forced to buy weevle-infested flour from Hicks ever since Buddy Gray had cut them off for running up too big a bill buying popsickles. They had a pretty good idea who had taken the pelts...it was Hicks' good for nothing son J.P. They had seen him hanging around Nine Bowen's cabin the last few days. Now, the boys intended to catch him and read to him from the Book...
...that run off with the cat pelts they had stored in the smoke house. The money from those pelts was to pay off what they owed at James Hicks' Grocery. They had been forced to buy weevle-infested flour from Hicks ever since Buddy Gray had cut them off for running up too big a bill buying popsickles. They had a pretty good idea who had taken the pelts...it was Hicks' good for nothing son J.P. They had seen him hanging around Nine Bowen's cabin the last few days. Now, the boys intended to catch him and read to him from the Book...